EXPLORE THE UNIVERSE Tales from the Emberstone (Serial flash fiction featured on gohavok.com) A steampunk tavern at the crossroads of the multiverse MORE INFO THE STORIES CHARACTERS The Legend of the Lightkeepers (The Mazzaroth Legacies SAGA) My Little Pony + Star Wars + Carmen Sandiego MORE INFO THE BOOKS FREEBIES Reishosan: Samurai Defenders (The Mazzaroth Legacies SAGA) Ronin Warriors + Voltron + Guardians of the Galaxy MORE INFO THE BOOKS FREEBIES The Dragons of the Diamond Throne (The Mazzaroth Legacies SAGA) Sailor Moon + The Pretender (set in Kansas) COMING SOON Morningstar (Destiny | Covenant | Legacy) Firefly + John Wick + Time Travel MORE INFO THE BOOKS FREEBIES The Misadventures of Trisha Lee A cleaner, sweeter Stephanie Plum! THE BOOKS